Wednesday 25 May 2011

Spatial Delineations - Stephanie Beck

Museum Complex, cut paper, glue, 2007, 8 x 8 inches

Townships, cut paper, glue, 2008, 12 x 12 inches

Valley, cut paper, glue, 2008, 16 x 11.25 inches

Valley (detail), cut paper, glue, 2008, 16 x 11.25 inches

Sunday 15 May 2011

Metropolitan Cityscapes - Chauntelle Trinh and Eckard Buscher

Urban Topography of 3x3km area of various cities with urban mass removed. 

Sydney, 3x3km Series, 2008. Stainless steel, 30x30cm

Melbourne, 3x3km Series, 2008. Stainless steel, 30x30cm

New York, 3x3km Series, 2008. Stainless steel, 30x30cm

Las Vegas, 3x3km Series, 2008. Stainless steel, 30x30cm

Barcelona, 3x3km Series, 2008. Stainless steel, 30x30cm

Amsterdam, 3x3km Series, 2008. Stainless steel, 30x30cm

Urban Interventions - Personal Projects in Public Spaces

Great book on interventions and site specific art within the urban environment. Have a flick through if you pass by a bookshop (Ariel Books, Berkelouw Books, Kinokuniya, Gleebooks and Published Art should all have copies) The link below has a brief description of the book chapters and some images of the work of several artists featured in the book.